Psoriasis in children

Children with psoriasis — it's not for this unpleasant event, just a little sick, but also for their parents. Of chronic illness, health worry and concern for adults and children. Fortunately, the disease does not apply to communicable infections, is transmitted in contact with other children with between the office and home items. What causes psoriasis in children and can be treated?

The reasons psoriasis children

The emotional outbursts, the child full of life, the joys, the pains, and physical activity much more of an adult human. Most of the scars her body him vulnerable physiological and psychological causes psoriasis. List of doctors has combined them:

  • Genetics in the first place. Sick child if a mother with psoriasis, 25% child is ill. Both parents increases the risk of the disease by 50-70%.
  • A strong Allergy. A lot of kids serious about allergens in food products (chocolate, seafood, citrus fruits, strawberries). While doing this, the stress on the digestive system in the body they cause adverse effects to your nervous system a little bit sick.
  • Stress-related physical action. Installed approximately 18% of children, the sick, the psoriasis, we have won because of her physical stress (hypothermia, strong abrasion, thermal shock).
  • Mental tension. Small, unstable, emotional, that are hard are close to death, the scandals, the communication problems within the family, at school, situational fear. The purpose of the task of parents to reduce such a thrill.
  • Metabolism disorders, malnutrition, mother and child, when watching the menu.

Diagnosis psoriasis in children

Enough the first symptoms to see a specialist, psoriasis, dental examination in children with diagnosis a little bit sick. Other skin diseases, often the resulting child is assigned to the BIOS copy (scraping), skin and blood and urine tests.

Psoriasis forms which sick kids? To understand that looks like psoriasis in children you need to know shape. Doctors divide illness of a few basic types:

  • Spotted form. Staphylococcal infection that was triggered. Guttate psoriasis rashes reddish spots represent the size of 1 cm Manifested in children legs, arms, torso. A weakened immune disease and spots square slope increases.
  • The asymmetric shape. Disease, destruction of joint in the legs. The external symptoms of psoriasis, a pain syndrome in the hands of children, have complained that when was a child and aching fingers. Psoriatic arthritis may develop to such, far more dangerous to your health.
  • They form haze. Is rare in children. Notes the emergence of popular small, gradually merging is a great spot. In severe cases the rash will completely cover a body.
  • Erythrodermic is a view. And edema accompanying the inflammatory process areas.
  • Rough shape. Out psoriasis children pimples shaped pink head. Capable of stunning small and large joints. Yourself in the same place.
Klinicheska to dermatologia

The symptoms of psoriasis in children

The difference is that the first symptoms of psoriasis in children is difficult because the disease, which manifests itself in a small thin spot. Stain doesn't attract the attention of the child, it itches, hurts, baby, it's not a complaint, mom. If less than a son or a daughter of rashes can be seen on the head, thicker hair, fewer rash.

Easiest psoriasis on the face in children to recognize when a papule, dot on cheeks, forehead, ears. Rashes may be accompanied by:

  • itching;
  • powerful skin reddening;
  • chills and fever.

Areas of the skin which is a disease that manifests itself in a particularly powerful way to firmly contact dress. Friction causes fabric to the places affected, scabies and inflammation, is a disease that occurs with the progression of the traumatic epidermis. Quickly connect with each other and to create new large plates becomes popular to stain with a diameter of 5 centimeters. Many of which methods associated with the disease modern medicine?

Psoriasis treatment children

Psoriasis in children is a pathology highly effective modern methods of treatment to stop progress. Malady is not in the hands of the full body cleanse. In this case, it's a scene that you can use to determine admission for the primary a small number of patients, and it's kind of a disease, and treat him the right tactic to take.

Drug treatment

The same drug that was used in the treatment for psoriasis medication the child as disease in adults. Small a patient can be assigned to:

  • Sedative sedatives (Motherwort, Valerian). Reduces emotional arousal stimulate the child of drugs and, in general, a chronic process. Especially useful in the age of tools such as the school, times are changing, the rhythm of life boys.
  • Desensitizing, debilitating an allergic reaction, medicines (5% calcium gluconate or 10% calcium chloride). Presents a strong discomfort of allergies inflamed plaque rear The child.
  • If the child is bothering the dosage of antihistamine drugs age itching take forever.
  • Calming, reduce physical activity, let, for protecting children affected by injury.
  • Injecting drugs through the injection of B vitamins. The course instructor 10-20 jabs.
  • Vitamin C and A.
  • Introduction of albumin to combine weekly blood transfusion.
  • Pyrogens, it helps to improve blood pressure. Possible drugs to reduce the rate of cell division, warning, training, new plaques.
  • In some cases the disease is very difficult, glucocorticosteroids appointed.

To get sick of the medicines listed in a hospital setting under the supervision of a doctor or tight.

Application of funds

In important ways accepted psoriasis treatment ointments, creams and lotions. To use them, the process the affected areas.

Psoriasis in children ointment on the head or on the face of euphylli papaverin or used used in. Drug friction on the surface when working with soft movements very uncomfortable plaques.

Salicylic is useful to make hand and foot Dressing, sulfur-tar ointment, or hydrocortisone. Wrap целлофаном apply the ointment to the affected area, cover with a tight bandage, let alone a bandage is applied. Under the influence, medical softened plaque composition, reduced intensity, the scales fall off.

Sapropel moisture balance of the skin to improve with the addition of applique to the local inflammation and relieve itch. Rashes if touched the whole body sapropel use for medicinal baths.

Additional treatment procedures

Whether pills and ointment, psoriasis treatment, you can book the physio for use in children. UFO calming bath and reduce the severity of symptoms, the disease inside her more easily, eliminates itching and pain that a little bad feelings as the patient's syndrome.

The effectiveness of the treatment depends on the causes of and authority, provoking disease. So, little for the patients, the psoriasis patient is required dental health oral. The procedure helps to uncover and eliminate foci of infection (tooth decay).

Child psoriasis prevention

Even to know the reasons behind it, training psoriasis it is difficult to predict, but more to set fully, then may occur. If it is the case because the child, both the life of the line to reduce the risk of disease, prevention of mom to perform a task.

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It is important to remember what?

Parents should always be remembered psoriasis — an incurable disease like this child a lifetime. In your childhood to teach, eat right, dress, and hygiene comply with, in the future, it will be easier to transfer it is a disease, and a severe form of those passes.

Of course, if anyone in an adult patient, psoriasis, avoid him, your son or daughter is virtually impossible. If to talk about other reasons, you can eliminate them. Follow these rules:

  • Take care of yourself, children, psychological and physical tension. Try to avoid the scandals and family in front of a son or daughter. Follow a child to prevent long, cold, not physically own body's the biggest load I've done for a long time in the sun, head, not to get heatstroke.
  • Purchase children's clothing, leather and chemical dyes that contain natural ingredients.
  • Carefully prepare children on a diet. A children's menu available with the pro plan sensitive salmon products should not be a strong mark. Eliminate the cause of an allergic reaction to the dishes I already have.
  • If the child is sick, a cold or other illness, let's her the medication prescribed by the doctor. Do not self-treatment.
  • Any, even the most innocuous strengthen the treatment you think is a pathological process, the delivery lot is a treasure trove of discomfort for you.